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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Worst Blooper of the Year by Crystal Defanti

What could be the most embarrassing thing in the world? Seeing your intimate video or sexy photos online? Nah... Nothing can be worst than sending your very own sex videos to fifth grade schoolers as a present, which can be glossed, watched, and scrutinized by no other than the kid's family, relatives, or in short the entire neighborhood. This I think is the worst thing that can ever happen to a grade school teacher, namely Crystal Defanti, in particular.

Crystal Defanti, an Isabelle Jackson Elementary School teacher, was even more baffled than anyone else as soon as the word reached her that the DvD's which were supposed to show the memoirs of the previous year later turns into a sex tape of no one else but a child's fifth grade teacher! OMG!

How do you think the family who watched Crystal Defanti's videos reacted?

Defanti instantly called the parents, apologizing about the incident, and asked them to burn the video as it was all a mistake and that she did not intend it. Crystal Defanti is in fact a great teacher. The parents of Defanti's students did infact vouch her for that.

Legal experts say Crystal Defanti can still keep her job because the whole thing was unintended. But given that situation, it takes more than a Herculean strength for Defanti to have her chin held up high. That is if she continues teaching in the same school. :-)


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