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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is Sen. Max Baucus drunk?

Reports have circulated that Sen Max Baucus was under the influence of alcohol. But is it true that the respected Max Baucus was acting strangely that is unbecoming of him. What truly happened in that session.

Read further from the article taken from

In the video Baucus is slurring his speech in the obvious tell-tale signs of a man who has nothing more to lose. In a way it is sad because Max Baucus of all people has made a career out of working with Republicans. His heavily GOP state of Montana demands he do no less, and on this one seminole issue he failed his constituency.

And it is not for lack of trying. He worked tirelessly as committee chairman trying to broker a deal for Obama to save face on the health care package. His efforts largely failed in two ways. He did not really get anything he wanted, and he failed to understand that the true bipartisan position on health care reform is to do nothing. The public is overwhelmingly against it because of the enormous financial burdens it will place on ourselves and our loved ones in future generations to come.

You can also watch the full video of Baucus Drunk at the URL below. Just copy and paste the URL below to your address bar:


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